Lucy Wightman

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Solo Old Lady Moving Tips: MUGS

I fly solo.

Being single and an only child comes in handy. I’m more apt to find ways to deal than those who come to rely on others. Not to that relying on others is at all bad – it’s not.

I’m moving. Again. That’s what the deal is when you rent. I am making a local move, not a long-distance move. I know nothing at all about long distance moving. As the process unfolds I see how some of the quirky things I do might help you. Today, we start with MUGS.

 You know how, when you get older, you think “This is the last time I’ll buy one of these, so go ahead and get a really good one”?

 I love my mugs. I want to protect them.

         Materials:  brown paper lunch bags              

                           several hundred (not all for the mugs) hideous microfiber  cloths

                           gloves if you can’t stand touching all of that microfiber                            

                           some type of bin for transport


         Set Up:      Line up as many paper bags as you have mugs and fluff                             them open.

                           Plan on at least three cloths per mug.


         Process:    Put one microfiber in the bottom of each lunch bag.

                           Lay one on the counter and set a mug you love in the center.

                           Move the four corners into the empty space inside the  mug.

                            Now put another cloth on top of the mug and poke it in  with your fingers.

                           Be mindful that the handle needs extra protection so bunch up some of

what’s left near the handle.

                           Insert wrapped mug into paper bag.


Safe moving!!